What are the most popular fitness classes today?

Recently I have been doing some research on what fitness classes are in high demand based on what classes gyms are offering. Sweat Studio is hoping to open Continue reading

How to eat healthy while on vacation?


While on vacation, people who are health-conscious are often tempted and fall off track their diet. I mean who cannot resist getting a churro or two while at Disneyland or other theme parks. Here are some tips I found useful to help stay on track to eating healthy while still on vacation. Continue reading

Healthy Campfire/BBQ Recipe

A common summer past time for me and my friends during the summer is to go to the beach. I admit, in the past I would bring unhealthy food such as chips, hot dogs, candy, and of course ingredients to make s’mores. However, this summer I want to try to cook healthier while at the beach. As I was looking for recipes, I found a beef kebab recipe on health.com. Continue reading


For exercise beginners, weight training twice per week and perhaps two 30 minute sessions of cardio can deliver results.  Unfortunately, our bodies adapt very easily and within a few weeks this type of effort is not enough to make a significant change.  As a person gets stuck in a plateau an appropriate method is to implement the FITTE method into their program.   If you change 3 of the following procedures below perhaps you may break that plateau! Continue reading

Tropical Cucumber Salad

I happened to stumble upon a recipe on eatingwell.com that combines sweet and salty flavors of mango and cucumber for a refreshing summer salad. Here is the recipe: Continue reading

Mud Run 2013

About two weekends ago some competitors from Sweat Studio decided to run in the Survivor Mud Run up in Rancho Murieta, California. I decided to tag along with them and take photos of the event. The Mud Run consisted of 3.32 miles with obstacles throughout the course. Although the location was practically in the middle of nowhere, many people came together for this muddy event! Continue reading

Air Conditioning while Exercising?

Ribbons on a FanTrainers mention this to your clients! Don’t blast that air conditioning when you exercise! You expend more fat when your body is hot and thermogenic! Exercising is supposed to be uncomfortable! Sweating is good! You don’t sweat if it’s too cold! You’re putting yourself at higher risk of injury when your muscles cool off. Just remember to hydrate.

Trainers for Competitors

A lot of competitors in Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure, and Bikini are personal trainers. Others are fanatics may have been training for years. So if you are looking to compete and are a novice to both areas, you may have a difficult challenge. It’s logical to hire an experienced Certified Personal Trainer that also competes actively. Some people prefer to just hire a “Coach” and many of these “Coaches” do not have extensive experience with the fundamentals of certified personal training. “Also, just because a competitor does well in a competition does NOT mean they are qualified to train other people.” (Quoted from a returning client that went through this experience)